A Halloween Spell!

$30.00 - $225.00
Image of A Halloween Spell!
A Halloween Spell!
Sold Out — $30.00 - $225.00

What a great way to create in the land of make-believe!

These "spooky" whimsical sessions/edit will include:

* child's image will be emailed to [email protected] after our personal posing consultation
* {1} creative edit for {1} child --a high resolution digital file will be emailed upon completion
* additional children added into the scene are $30/ea
*additional creative imagery are $99/ea
**** please note what your child's age and what they are for Halloween upon checking out ****

-- additional info --
* these are images taken by parents from home and emailed to FDP.
* final creative scene is chosen by artist
*turnaround time: image will be created and delivered within 5 business days of receiving client's initial photo
* Creative edit fees are non refundable and non transferable

email questions or concerns to Lauren at [email protected]

A Halloween Spell!